Web Site www.naturaliterweb.it
Phone number +39 347 3046799 / +39 328 9094209
Email address info@naturaliterweb.it
Location Calabria
Regions you can visit with us Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal
Types of tours we organize Active Tours, Trekking Tours
About us We’ve been organising trekking tours since 1994. We started in the Aspromonte National Park setting up the first ‘Diffused Hospitality’ network. Over the years we have extended our activity to other areas of Southern Italy and to other countries.
We focus on the active participation of local communities, on the valorisation of local resources and on the establishment of diffused hospitality networks. We believe in responsible tourism, in the respect of local typicity and in the respect of the environment. We stay away from mass tourism routes.
Some of our travel proposals